Mark McRae


A Laptop, A Cellphone & The Birth of a $10 Million Business – My Interview with Delia Ursulescu, Part 3

Here’s the third part of my amazingly in-depth interview with Delia Ursulescu, whom I’ve dubbed the “Amazon Queen” for her meteoric rise in online business.

In this installment, Delia provides hard numbers and metrics on how she scaled smart and fast. And she’s unflinchingly honest about where she messed up the process too. The next installment will contain even more hard data you could use as a model to help you.

MM: Going from 250 to $250,000 in 18 months is meteoric. So how did how did that happen. I mean, was it because you followed everything in that course, and that got you to $250K. Or that was the starting point and then you invented stuff?  

It was mainly following the process. We imported products from China, launched them on Amazon, then reinvested all the profit into buying more units or more inventory.  

The reason we were able to do it is because our ROI was really – high somewhere around 200 – 250%. So, for every dollar I invested in a product, they made about $2.00 or $2.50, and that’s what allowed us to go from a low amount to $250,000 in revenue.

I think at that point we were making about six figures in profit – just profit – because it was me and my business partner. We didn’t have any employees, really no overhead whatsoever other than our laptop and cell phone bill…

Really that’s it. That’s all we needed to run an Amazon business and that’s still all we need to run an Amazon business. There’s nothing else because the product stays either at an Amazon warehouse or at one of our partner warehouses. We have partnered with other people who have warehouses so we don’t have to uh have a warehouse everything can be run from anywhere in the world. I’m just sitting in front of a computer. And now we’ve improved and refined the process so it’s much easier even to know what to expect.

We’ve made a lot of mistakes. Unfortunately, we lost a lot of money too. 

I can’t wait to share the rest of this astonishing process interview with you. I hope you’re getting a lot out of it!

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