Mark McRae


Why You Never Want To Be The Smartest Guy In The Room

What skill do you need to learn, or relearn, to punch through to the next level in your business?

In what areas of your business or life have you been “resting on your laurels?” What thing that used to work like gangbusters is now giving you diminishing results?

You may be suffering from thinking you have mastered a skill or technique when it’s really time to take it to the next level.

Let me explain:

I did something last week that required me to go “back to basics” with a skill I mastered long ago. This skill has made me millions of dollars, so on one hand, it was a fairly simple task to do this thing I’ve done hundreds of times before.

On the other hand, I hadn’t had to pull this particular “big gun” from my arsenal in a while and I knew I needed to juice up my creativity so that I could really knock it out of the park.

That led me back to one of the greatest direct sales pitches of all time. This particular sales letter was so good, in fact, that I snatched up the offer as soon as I saw it, even though it cost thousands and thousands of dollars.

And I have never once regretted spending that money because the product is so effective that even now, many years later, it provides a concise blueprint of how to do the thing…

And to do it better than 99% of everyone in the world.

What’s more, diving back into that material allowed me to reconsider how part of my business is functioning and reminded me of some metrics I could provide to two key members of my team to make sure they are as effective as possible.

The point is this: It would have been easy for me to decide I already know how to do what I need to do – that going back to basics would be a waste of time… But knowing that I’m not the smartest guy in the room on this allows me to gain fresh insight and perspective that helped my business in multiple ways.

The sales letter I mentioned, if you’re interested, is by Mr. Gary Bencivenga and can be found here:

I get nothing for sharing his work. It’s just that good, so I want you to see it. #bencivenga #smartestguyintheroom #business #growth #entrepreneur #leadership

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